Saturday, February 5, 2011


It is rare that a movie makes you have a real emotional reaction and gets under your skin.  Blue Valentine did this for me.  I was so heart broken when I got out of this movie and it affected me for the next couple of days.  I felt so distressed over what had happened to the couple in this movie.  It is very sad to watch a relationship between two people, who obviously felt very deeply for one another at one time, disintegrate right before your eyes.  My husband and I had a discussion about this movie on our way home, as we often do, and we both agreed that so many  people our age tend to rush into commitment and bind their lives together before they really know each other or even know themselves for that matter. Then, one day, they realize this fact and they either must live with their differences or decide that they just can't go on being in a relationship with someone who is like a stranger to them.  Ryan Gosling did such a good job in this movie.  In my opinion he was robbed of a nomination for his performance.  Michelle Williams also did a wonderful job.  Her portrayal of an angst ridden young woman was heart wrenching,  I really enjoyed this movie and I would recommend that everyone go out and see it.

Editor's note: Good sound track by Grizzly Bear.

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